Enrolment options
Personal and Organisational Values

Deepen your comprehension of personal and collective styles, empowering you to navigate organisational scenarios responsibly and adeptly. Engage in self-reflective practices to discover invaluable insights leading to lasting transformation. Join us for a condensed yet impactful four-week exploration, charting a path towards synergy, alignment, and profound growth. This immersive experience is open to all seeking to unlock the power of personal and organisational synergy.

Completing this course will equip you to:
- Recognize Synergy Significance: Understand personal and organisational alignment for enhanced effectiveness
- Evaluate Values Alignment: Use self-assessment to align personal values with organisational values
- Define Personal Role: Gain insight into your role within the organisation and its connection to the mission
- Apply Reflective Practices: Engage in self-reflection for heightened self-awareness and informed decision-making
- Promote Collaborative Engagement: Enhance collaboration using newfound knowledge of values within the organisation

- Managers
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Students
- Teacher: Rhonda Bowen
- Enrolled students: 5