Enrolment options

Building an Effective Team, Empowering Collaboration and Synergy

The course is intended to provide participants with a basic understanding of the importance of team dynamics and the effects of cohesive teams in the organisation. During the course, the participants will be able to explore different elements of team management, understanding the influence of personality and culture on a team’s performance. After this course, the participants can acquire the next steps in better comprehension of their own team and potential further steps for development.

Completing this course will equip you to:

  • Define the elements of effective teams and their importance
  • Summarise the importance of different personalities and cultures and their influence on the team dynamic
  • Discuss the benefits of team collaboration and synergy in achieving the company goals
  • Describe different methods for managing teams and avoiding emotional cancer behaviour

  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)