Enrolment options

ESG, Sustainability and Sustainable Development - Reporting and Auditing

The course is intended to provide participants with an advanced understanding of what ESG, Sustainability, and Sustainable Development are, how the reporting and auditing in these fields are done, how they developed through history and different international levels, and how important they are for every organisation. The course will also include several practical examples of real situations and dilemmas regarding the use, adaptation and creation of tools.

Completing this course will equip you to:

  • Examine ESG, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and elements of reporting in these fields related to the competitive advantage of the company
  • Be able to value the company strategy and activities towards what is reported and audited
  • Use different methods and platforms for reporting and auditing ESG, Sustainability and Sustainable Development

  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • Professionals (from public and private institutions, NGOs)
  • Students

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)