Enrolment options

Sustainability Strategy: How to Develop a Tailor-Made Strategy Based on Double Materiality

Equip yourself with the skills to craft a tailor-made sustainability strategy. This course guides participants through strategy development based on a double materiality assessment in an exemplary way. It provides reflective, hands-on exercises to assess the organisation's baseline, evaluate the business environment, and engage with key stakeholders. The course aims to provide a comprehensive hands-on overview of the strategy development process and the related steps it requires.

Completing this course will equip you to:

  • Analyse the baseline situation of the company concerning its sustainability performance
  • Evaluate the business environment encompassing product, company and sector levels
  • Identify internal and external key stakeholders along the value chain
  • Use tools to pre-assess and rate the materiality of sustainability matters
  • Derive strategic conclusions based on the materiality assessment

  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)