Enrolment options

Design Thinking and Experience to Approach for Sustainability Challenge

In this course, participants are introduced to 'Design Thinking'. Different methodological approaches and opportunities are presented that can be used for sustainable improvement and implementation of various sustainability efforts. Participants will learn about Design Thinking as a valuable resource and action-oriented solution approach they can explore in their work practice.

Completing this course will equip you to:

  • Describe fundamental objectives and advantages/benefits of design thinking
  • Identify five phases of design thinking
  • Explain the six steps of design thinking
  • Use several design thinking methods and approaches
  • Analyse why design thinking is essential in sustainability
  • Distinguish various approaches to product design

  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students

  • Teacher: BEST Institut
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)