Circular Economy
Courses tagged with "Circular Economy"
Connecting the Dots for Circular Ecosystems: Collaboration, Networking and Partnerships
The course addresses the competencies needed to create effective synergies, engage with ecosystems, formulate strategic partnerships and create value. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of Circular Economy collaboration models across value chains and industry verticals. There is a focus on communication skills, social networks and new technologies that boost a collaborative culture and management best practices.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Analyse the value chains, sectors and ecosystems
- Identify synergies and use a different set of tools to formulate the right partnerships
- Use social networks and communication strategies to boost your network and develop an extrovert and collaborative culture
- Extract best practices from relevant case studies and success stories presented by market experts, entrepreneurs and policymakers, both in the private and public sectors

- Professionals (from public and private institutions, NGOs)
- Students
- SMEs Managers/Owners
- Academics
- Teacher: Katerina Chatzichristou
- Teacher: Spyros Kokolis
- Enrolled students: 5
Circular Business Models: Steps from Linear to Circular
This course examines the ideas, methods, and practices of circular business models. The course focuses on how firms may migrate from linear, resource-intensive models to circular ones that encourage sustainability, decrease waste, and produce long-term value.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Discuss the importance of circular economy
- Combine CE tools in a specific case study
- Practice mindfulness techniques to develop circular business models
- Experiment and reflect on circular thinking tools
- Comprehend the policy framework of CE

- Managers
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Students
- Teacher: Lydia Papadaki
- Enrolled students: 11
Circular Production
This advanced course aims to provide a general and comprehensive overview of the main principles of circular production, including a selection of raw materials (secondary, renewable, reused, recycled), production resources (energy and water), production by-products (exploitation in circular schemes) and waste prevention (GHG, gas, liquid and solid waste management, energy and materials recovery), circular/eco-design, end-of-life (EOL) management and reuse.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Understanding the principles of circular production
- Analysing production components and applying circular principles
- Designing interventions for introducing circular principles in design, manufacturing and end-of-life product management in TCLF and furniture sectors
- Recieve coaching and support for a thematic project in the fields of CTLF or Furniture sector

- Production Managers
- CTOs
- Production Engineers
- Professionals in R&D, Sales and marketing
- Teacher: Nikolaos Bilalis
- Teacher: Michail Delagrammatikas
- Teacher: Nikolaos Nikolaou
- Teacher: Emi Tsakalou
- Teacher: Lina Tsakalou
- Enrolled students: 6
Sustainable Materials Management - Recycling, Downcycling and Upcycling
Sustainable Materials Management is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire lifecycle. By looking at a product's entire lifecycle, new opportunities can be found to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources, and reduce costs. The course presents and defines concepts related to recycling, downcycling and upcycling concepts, as well as available recycling technologies.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Identify techniques, technologies and manufacturing processes to deal with waste
- Recognize the requirements of sorting and preparation of recycled materials
- Recognize the requirements of manufacturing processes and quality control of recycled materials
- Select the standards and regulations on waste applicable to recyclates

- Managers
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Students
- Teacher: CENTIMFE - Technological Center for the Mouldmaking, Special Tooling and Plastic Industries
- Enrolled students: 8
Slow Fashion: Eco-Design and Circular Design in TCLF Industries
This course aims to raise awareness on the environmental and social issues associated with quick fashion. It will provide basic knowledge on natural, synthetic and recycled materials used in the TCLF sector and their environmental impact (recyclability, microplastics etc.). Participants will have an overview of quick fashion impact on a company's ESG reporting and its importance in becoming part of larger value chains and financing opportunities.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Learning basic information on TCFL materials and understanding their environment and social impact related to quick fashion applications
- Learn the basic concepts of green labelling and traceability and understand what greenwashing is and the importance of being included in sustainable value chains
- Comprehend the importance for very small and small enterprises to meet the requirements on environmental and ethical issues to enter larger value chains

- Students
- Small and very small enterprise owners in TCLF sector
- Fashion designers
- Sales and marketing in the TCLF sector
- Teacher: Michail Delagrammatikas
- Teacher: Nikolaos Nikolaou
- Teacher: Emi Tsakalou
- Teacher: Lina Tsakalou
- Enrolled students: 2
Circular Design and Eco-Design Basic Concepts
Circular design is the practice of creating durable, reusable, repairable and recyclable products that generate zero waste to support a circular economy. Eco-design considers environmental aspects at all stages of the product development process, striving for products which make the lowest possible environmental impact throughout the product life cycle. The course covers aspects of Circular Economy, presenting and defining concepts related to Circular Design & Eco-design.
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Identify the basic concepts of circular design and eco-design, as well as their methodologies and applicable regulation
- Select from circular design and eco-design methodologies in practical exercises
- Understand the basic LCA concepts, principles and methods

- Managers
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Professionals (from public and private institutions, NGOs)
- Teacher: CENTIMFE - Technological Center for the Mouldmaking, Special Tooling and Plastic Industries
- Enrolled students: 8
Circular Economy KPIs
The measurement and assessment of several key performance indicators (KPIs) in the context of circular economy efforts is the primary emphasis of this course. In order to evaluate the efficacy of circular economy ideas and practices, students will learn how to design, execute, and evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs).
Completing this course will equip you to:
- Discuss the importance of circular economy in terms of challenges and opportunities
- Measure the CE Impact using different tools
- Learn and apply Circular Finance and Investment Metrics
- Experiment and reflect on circular KPIs on specific projects

- Managers
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Professionals (from public and private institutions, NGOs)
- Teacher: Stathis Devves
- Teacher: Conrad Felix Michel Landis
- Teacher: Lydia Papadaki
- Enrolled students: 9